Courage Fuyons !
Courage Fuyons !
Exhibition :
Tuesday, September 15th, 2020 to Saturday, October 10th, 2020
Opening Night :
Saturday, September 12th, 2020
Courage Fuyons» is the title of a 1979 French film directed by Yves Robert, but it is also an expression used in popular culture that could illustrate many of our behaviours contrary to the interests of our society.
On the ecological situation, everyone agrees on the same statement, the urgency to act and the need to change our habits.
In spite of the «Grenelle de l’environnement», the «Paris Climate Agreements» or «Make our planet great again», we are continuing a destructive headlong rush.
Many of the works in this exhibition evoke a form of escape, but far from being sinister or dark, they bring hope by pushing us towards awareness through delicate humour and healthy derision.
In Levalet’s works, the characters he portrays, most often his own silhouette, are archetypes of individuals representative of the world we live in. By placing the models in situations, often out of context, he is able to create a narration in order to derive meaning from them.
As he says, «I don’t think I’m carrying any particular message. The images are a way of depicting the world as I see it and of underlining some of its problems».
He does not consider himself a committed artist, and even less a bearer of a «message». He is an alert observer of our society.
Thanks to his mischievous spirit and with lightness, fluidity and elegance, the sharpness of his evocations manages to highlight and denounce inconsistencies and absurdities without reducing the narrative force of his works.
Brussels Crespel