

Exhibition : 
Friday, May 31st, 2024 to Saturday, July 20th, 2024
Opening Night : 
Thursday, May 30th, 2024

For this new group exhibition entitled “Territoires”, we bring together thirteen contemporary artists to explore the representation of the animal.
In a rapidly changing world, the question of territories has become more pressing than ever, as the territory of one expands faster and faster to the detriment of another. A recent WWF report informed the international community that over 60% of wild animals have disappeared since 1970. The equivalent of 10 soccer pitches are taken from forests every minute. Around 10 million tonnes of plastic end up in the sea every year. Over the past two years, glaciers have lost 10% of their volume, while sea levels are rising by almost 5 mm every year.

Portuguese artist Bordalo2 perfectly illustrates this critical situation by choosing to depict animals, and very often endangered species.
To reinforce his message, he uses exclusively recycled materials, the waste products of our consumerist societies

In “Locomotion of the 22nd century”, we can make out the vast open spaces of America, punctuated by gas pumps along the roads. Here, cars are replaced by horses and gasoline by hay.
Nonetheless, we need to think about the animal world and its place in society. It's urgent to pre-serve our shared natural habitats, to cohabit with “the other” or risk disappearing with it. Through a variety of artistic media, “Territoires” plunges us into a reflection on this complex relationship. The works invite the viewer to explore the blurred boundaries between our respective terri- toires, and to rethink our place in the global ecosystem.

An exhibition to see the animal world in a different light, and perhaps make us reflect on our ecological footprint through a selection of works ranging from urban art to design.

Brussels Crespel